MS/HS student of the week
about 6 years ago, Matt Finch
MS/HS student of the week
Thank you to everyone who helped make the Mat Classic a huge success yesterday! There were a lot of accomplishments yesterday for our kids. Your support is greatly appreciated! #GoTigers
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
Walt Disney Elementary Students of the Week. Great job!
about 6 years ago, Sarah Dunham
Students of the Week 11/30/18
The Disney Winter Program is scheduled for Monday, December 3rd at 6:30 pm in the high school field house. Guests are asked to enter through the main entrance on the west side of the building. STEP for grades 2-6 is canceled for Monday as well as tutoring at Disney Elementary.
about 6 years ago, Sarah Dunham
HS girls basketball play at 7:30 and HS boys at 9pm in the Glasgow Tournament. HS wrestling hosts tonight, matches begin at 5pm
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
Correction: games will be as scheduled in MS gym at South Shelby tomorrow
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
MS BB scheduled for tonight will play tomorrow night in the high school gym at South Shelby. Girls at 6:50pm and Boys at 8pm
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
Tonight’s scheduled activities: MS wrestling-canceled, will not be rescheduled MS BB - will not play tonight, make up date TBD HS JV BB - canceled, will not be rescheduled HS BB at Glasgow - Games are moved to tomorrow
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
Marceline R-V Schools will not be in session tomorrow, November 26. The Early Learning Center will be open regular hours.
about 6 years ago, Sarah Dunham
Congratulations to Maycee Edgar for signing with NCMC today!
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
Congratulations to Desmond Fessler on receiving a $300 scholarship from North Central Missouri College. This is one of 25 scholarships provided to NCMC dual credit students to help cover the cost of dual credit courses in the spring.
about 6 years ago, Marceline RV Schools
Desmond Fessler
MS/HS students of the week!
about 6 years ago, Matt Finch
Student of the week
Marceline R-V Schools will dismiss Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 12:15 pm. Classes will resume on Monday, Nov. 26.
about 6 years ago, Sarah Dunham
Just a reminder tonight’s fall sports banquet is at 6pm in the new gym. Please remember to bring each classes assigned food
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
Congratulations to the Walt Disney Elementary STARR Students of the Week 11/16/18
about 6 years ago, Sarah Dunham
Student of the Week 11/16
FFA Barn-warming dance is tonight from 7-11 with Royalty crowning at 8:30 in the Ag building. Cost is $5 for non FFA members.
about 6 years ago, Matt Finch
Fall Sports Banquet is Monday, November 19th at 6pm in the new gym. Informational letters were sent home with athletes today!
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
Picture retake day is tomorrow! If you would like your child’s picture retaken please send their picture packet to school with them tomorrow. Students who were absent on picture day will also be photographed.
about 6 years ago, Sarah Dunham
Winter Sports pictures will be tomorrow after school for all HS and MS sports.
about 6 years ago, Mark Ross
Veteran’s Day breakfast at the HS cafeteria starting at 8. Veteran’s Day assembly to follow in the gymnasium at 9:30. We invite all Veterans as we honor their service to our country.
about 6 years ago, Matt Finch