CHAMPS food is hot! Check out those rolls and hand breaded chicken strips! Head to the Masonic Lodge!
Join us tomorrow for the CHAMPS Pack Picnic tomorrow from 11 am-2 pm at the Masonic Lodge!
Marceline keeps the bell for the 3rd year in a row!
1B Independent Reading with mini lights!! They are having so much fun...right before they heard the BELL coming through the hall!
Walt Disney Elementary STARR Students of the Week
MS softball for tomorrow has been canceled. Possible reschedule date for next Saturday
Don’t forget your Ring the Bell for Hunger food items!
Tonight’s games are still as scheduled: MS FB at 6pm and Softball at 5pm. Both are home games. Go Tigers!
Tonight’s bon fire celebration will be moved to the gymnasium
We need to fill our trailer with donations to the Marceline Food Pantry!!! Requested items include canned food, pasta sauce, quick meals and personal hygiene items. Monetary donations can be dropped off through Friday morning at Walt Disney Elementary with checks payable to the Marceline Coordinated Welfare Council. Spread the word!
Bell Game Admission and Pass Gate Information. Pass gates will be open at both entrances. Please look for the “Pass Gate” banner. Exact change for admission will help us get everyone in on time! See you Friday!
CHAMPS Pack Picnic Sunday, Sept. 9 from 11 am-2 pm at the Marceline Masonic Lodge.
The Marceline Food Pantry needs your help at the annual Ring the Bell for Hunger Food Drive. Needed items: canned vegetables, pasta sauces, quick meals and laundry detergent. Stop by and drop off next week at the Tiger Trailer located in front of Disney Elementary!
STARR Students of the Week 8/31/18
MS/HS student of the week
Substitute Teachers Needed
Walt Disney Elementary Students of the Week August 24
Looking for calendar view on the website? If you are looking for calendar view, click the Menu button and choose Calendar view on the left!
Chromebook handout for 7-12 returning students will be 8/14 from 12:30 to 6 pm.Insurance will be $15. Must have charges from last year pd.
Ice Cream Social