Employment Opportunities


The Marceline R-V School District is seeking applicants for a full time custodian, 40 hrs/week with benefits.  Please see Jared Main, Maintenance Director, or Central Office for an application.

Marceline R-V School District is seeking a qualified candidate to be the High School Head Basketball Coach for the 2020-21 school year. Qualified individuals should be knowledgeable, dependable, organized and conscientious with the ability to relate to and work with student-athletes.  Coaching candidates must meet all state and MSHSAA requirements. Please submit an application found online at www.marcelineschools.org, and send a resume, letter of interest, letter of recommendation to Athletic Director, Mark Ross, mross@marcelineschools.org   


Marceline R-V School District is seeking a qualified candidate to be the High School Assistant Basketball Coach for the 2020-21 school year. Qualified individuals should be knowledgeable, dependable, organized and conscientious with the ability to relate to and work with student-athletes.  Coaching candidates must meet all state and MSHSAA requirements. Please submit an application found online at www.marcelineschools.org, and send a resume, letter of interest, letter of recommendation to Athletic Director, Mark Ross, mross@marcelineschools.org