Kevin Stallo
Superintendent Updat, 08/21/24
Marceline  School District
Elem Open House
ELC Open House
New Principal Hired at Walt Disney Elementary for 2024-25
The district received the Remediation Recommendation Plan from "Get the Lead Out" on the evening of 10/16/23 and it is being posted here. The Marceline R-V Maintenance Department will work as quickly as possible to remediate these areas. The Remediation Plan report is attached below.
MHS Alumni,  As an alumnus, you are a significant piece of what makes Marceline R-V such a special place that people take considerable pride in being a part of. On behalf of the administration, faculty, and staff of Marceline R-V, thank you for the support you have shown Marceline High School. We encourage you, if possible, to return for the annual Alumni Weekend in our wonderful town. With Alumni Weekend coordinated along with Homecoming, it is the perfect time for everyone to gather and show their Tiger Pride. Alumni Weekend exemplifies what we all have to be proud of. I hope you can attend the assembly, parade, football game, banquet, and other festivities.  I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible and encourage you to contact me anytime leading up to this event if you have questions.  Go Tigers!
WDE Playground
Tiger Logo
July 11th, 2023  Dear Marceline R-V Community:  It has been a busy summer with many things happening throughout the school district. I want to update everyone on what is happening throughout the school district.  News/Updates:  Summer School Summer School ended on June 23rd. Throughout the five weeks that summer school was in session, the students were provided with many hands-on learning opportunities and fun ways to go outside and enjoy the beginning of summer. Thanks to our A+ tutors, who provided great help throughout summer school. Our summer school contributes to our academic success throughout the regular school year.  Bond Issue Update  There has been a lot of progress being made on the bond issue projects. As projects come to completion, we plan to put out pictures for the community to see.   Safety Grant Projects Over the next weeks and months, multiple School Safety Grant projects will be completed, including a new 6 ft. tall fence surrounding the ELC playground, more security cameras districtwide, and vaping detectors in multiple areas of the MS/HS.  Maintenance Update The custodial staff has been working hard, waxing the floors, getting rooms ready, making repairs where needed, hanging new SmartBoards, and much more. I want to commend them for their hard work and dedication in preparing the district’s buildings for the start of the school year.      Electronic Sign Landscaping I would like to thank Marceline High School 10th grader Cody Rodgers for his hard work on the landscaping surrounding the electronic sign on the West side of the high school. Cody did this as an Eagle Scout project; it looks great, and we appreciate it greatly.  Interactive Record Board In the Field House lobby, for this school year, there will be an interactive record board that will give all patrons quick access to the activities records for MHS. This should be a great addition to our lobby area.  “Dead Weeks” The first “Dead Week” ended on Sunday, July 9th. The next “Dead Week” will be from July 29th through August 6th. The first day HS Fall sports practices can begin is Monday, August 7th.    New SIS System Many people are hard at work transitioning our Student Information System (SIS) from Tyler SIS to Infinite Campus. Tyler SIS planned to stop supporting the system, so we had to find a system that would work best for all we do at Marceline R-V, and Infinite Campus fit that description. More information will come out about this as draw closer to the beginning of school.  ELC Closed on August 14th The ELC is closed for mandatory staff professional development on Monday, August 14th.   I hope everyone is having a great summer.  Respectfully,  Dr. Zach Bruner, Superintendent
​In order to be compliant with the Missouri law known as the “Get the Lead out of SchoolDrinking Water Act," on July 12th, the District will conduct sampling and testing of all potential drinking water sources in the school. The results of the water testing, including any corrective actions and retesting needed, will be posted in a public follow-up notice—typically 7-14 workdays after the water samples have been submitted to the lab.    Additional information and resources on the health effects of lead contamination are available here: drinking-water#health