Attention Marceline R-V Parent/Guardian:
In an effort to stream line our registration process and back-to-school paperwork, an on-line option will be available for the 2018-2019 school year for you to update important information on your child’s School Information System (SIS) account. When you log on to the SIS portal, you will have the opportunity to “Update Household Data” and make corrections and/or changes to home address, parent contact phone numbers, student information, and emergency contact information. Any address changes will require proof of residency verification.
Students in grades 6-12 will also be able to view their schedule for the 2018-2019 school year. Any changes that may need to be made to the schedule will be processed at registration days in July. All students will be required to attend their registration appointment with the MS/HS counselor.
If you do not have an account set up through SIS or have trouble logging on, please call the elementary office at 660-376-2166. By setting up an SIS parent portal account, parents have access to student grades and attendance records. Our goal is to connect all parents to the portal for the 2018-2019 school year! Thanks for helping us with this paperless update. Changes may be made now through August 1st.